Saturday, August 31, 2019

How to Make a Turkey Sandwich

Anyone can make a turkey sandwich and, truth be told, anyone could make The Best Turkey Sandwich Ever. Really, the only thing standing in anyone's way is that they probably don't yet know how. This is where this guide comes in. I will try to provide thorough instructions for making The Best Turkey Sandwich Ever.I discovered The Best Turkey Sandwich Ever by accident one night while living in New York City. For you see, I was unemployed at the time and didn't have too much money to throw around on food. As fate would have it, on that night, much like on a myriad of countless other nights that had preceded it (and subsequently on many nights thereafter), I happened to be very hungry. In a sad, strung-out, state of desperation, I languidly scavenged my apartment for something to hold me over until breakfast. I found some deli meat, cheese and half a loaf of unwanted challah bread that my sister gave to me last time I bothered to go uptown to visit her. Confronted with such limited suppli es, the solution seemed rather obvious; cobble these culinary elements together and make a sandwich. Although, looking back upon it, I can only attribute this particular chance arrangement of sandwich materials to the benevolent hand of some archaic pantheon of gods; perhaps viking. I like vikings.Anyhow, I crafted the sandwich to my preference and took a bite. By some happy accident of the cosmos, I, in my pathetic desperation not to scrounge together some pocket change and walk a block and a half for a slice of sicilian pizza, had chanced upon The Best Turkey Sandwich Ever.I've kept this to myself for too long. For the greater good of humanity, I am going to share my process with you today. If you follow these directions carefully, you too can live the rich prosperous life that can only come with The Best Turkey Sandwich Ever.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Engines of economic growth Essay

Economic growth refers to an increase in the amount of goods and services that an economy can produce over a specified period of time. Percentage increase in real domestic product is conventionally used to measure economic growth. In order to net out inflation effects on prices of goods and services, growth is measured in inflation adjusted terms or simply real terms. Typically, economic growth means an increase in potential output, a situation where there is full employment due to growth in observed output or aggregate demand (Kennedy, 1990, 34). Engines of economic growth refer to variables or elements that determine the level of economic growth, either propelling it forward or backwards. Normally, such variables are geared at improving the status of economy but not slaging it. However, because of the challenging economic conditions all over the world, many economies are observed to experience depressions and booms respectively to the conditions of the economy. The economy therefore does not assume a straight line but a curve with minima and maxima and sometimes flat shapes. Therefore, engines of economic growth manipulate the path of the economy, as they are also manipulated by the market state (Collins, 2000, 20). One of the engines of economic growth is the level of investments. For capital goods to be accumulated and facilitate the production of greater volume of consumer goods in time to come, certain percentage of consumer goods should be given up in the current time. Accumulations for the future period can only be achieved through sacrifices of the present time. Increase in the quantity of capital goods is called investments. In the economy, many goods and assets undergo depreciation day in day out. Depreciation may be due to use or as age of the assets increase. Investments are made to cancel out such depreciations and other unanticipated costs that may come up in the process of economic operations. Depreciation is occasionally defined as the monetary value by which machineries and equipments become obsolete or wear out during the year. For stability of the economy, the level of investments should be kept greater than the level of depreciation (Scott, 1991, 45). The greater the investments above depreciation, the higher the potential output of the economy in future. Investments are not only made to bring efficiency and increase production in future, but also to serve as a security tool for the economy. This is because today’s economic arena is filled with many risks and uncertainties, which if not well taken care of can devastate an economy. Market area is characterized by innovations in all fields of production including the nature and types of commodities, the level of technology, international standards and requirements and change in customers’ tastes and preferences. As a result, any economy which does not respond to these dynamics can easily be overhauled. However, for economies with sound investments, any challenge that comes by the way can easily be countered. Resources used from investment must therefore come from postponement of today’s decision to consume to the future as illustrated below (Moore, 1998, 43). Consumption Investments 0 C B The diagram describes that economies with high rates of consumption in the current period, will have little investments for the future. This is shown by PPF CC and. An economy that restricts consumption today will have an expanded ability to produce in the future and therefore will be able to move to a higher consumption point (A), operating at PPF BB. This means that investments are determined by the rate of savings of an economy (Rostow, 1960, 10). The analysis depicts that savings should be high for growth in gross domestic product to be achieved. Prosperous economies have ever subjected their citizens to compulsory savings through the government, because without savings, investments can not be realized. The government can do this through increased and enforced taxation (Scheers, 1999, 30). Currently, the mostly pronounced engines for economic growth are innovation and entrepreneurship. The notion that these two aspects can spur economic growth is based on several research works from both developed and developing economies around the world. National priorities have of late encompassed entrepreneurship, innovation and knowledge at firm, regional, national and international levels. Attention towards these variables has been driven by the complexity of the change process and the multilevel and multivariable nature of the world economic competition. In the theory of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs are seen as economic agents who may either operate within or outside firms but pay attention to economic happenings at all levels. These agents consistently seek for information from different economic settings, apply the spillovers of that knowledge and ultimately create innovative results through creation of new firms and enterprises. Entrepreneurial capital is determined by the degree of the presence of economic systems and entrepreneurial activities. Entrepreneurial capital serves as an important component for economic growth to be actualized. Apart from human capital, financial capital and knowledge capital, entrepreneurial capital has been proved to play greater role compared to knowledge capital (Mclindon, 1996, 51). Innovation refers to the process of creative thinking after which new techniques, products, formulations, markets, designs and ideas are brought forth into an economy. It is this process that takes place before entrepreneurship, because it is carried out by entrepreneurs. Innovators act as watch dogs for the economy. An economy undergoes consecutive reformations because it is influenced by national, regional and interregional factors. It is therefore advisable for any economy to make close observations of what new is coming up in the economy. For economic growth to be sound, ignorance of the outside reforms lags the economy behind. Entrepreneurs enable the economy to realize and respond to new products in the market. Goods and services are undergoing improvements in the way they are packaged, manufactured, blended, distributed and labeled. This slow response to the above aspects may render an economy of a country uncompetitive. Innovation still can call up the economy in times of technological progression in the production channel (North, 1996, 21). Currently, the world is talking about developed economies and developing economies, of which the big difference is the level of response to technology of the concerned economies. Production of commodities has to be as efficient and effective as possible to minimize costs and time. The western world is using high technologies in production and trading activities that have not yet been realized by the rest of the world, or even if the third world has recognized them, they may not have the capability to implement them. As a result, their economies are propelled forward to extremes that the rest of the world runs after with a lot of limitations. Therefore, the ability to realize arising opportunities and utilize them immediately and efficiently has propelled these economies to far ends. It is true saying that economies without entrepreneurs, innovators and discoverers are being exploited by such individuals from developed world. After considering this kind of analysis, it will be significant to state that economic growth is directly related to the level of innovation and entrepreneurship in a nation (Osterfeld, 1992, 14).

Thursday, August 29, 2019

An Analysis of the Anti-Utopian Notion in “Notes from Underground”

An Analysis of the Anti-Utopian Notion in â€Å"Notes from Underground† Notes from Underground, completed in 1864, is considered one of Dostoevsky’s most deviously insightful works, famous for its gloomy description of not only the dark historical period but also the dark environment in which the protagonist lives. This is a novel that attacks moralism, rationalism, utilitarianism and utopian idealism. After a thorough reading, one can locate abundant clues and evidence to support that one of the core themes of Notes from Underground is the fight against the world that people would call civilized, i.e. the ideal world that people are longing for, and the world that â€Å"I†, the protagonist of the story, will deny. The opening paragraphs of the story clearly convey the protagonist’s view of life, personality and the status of his rationality. Almost immediately, we learn that the protagonist is afflicted by illness but refuses to receive medical treatment. He says, â€Å"My liver hurts; well, then let it hurt even worse†(3). He interprets medical treatment as â€Å"harming only myself and no one else.† This reveals how clearly he understands his illness. That he chooses not to see a doctor proves the protagonist’s advocacy for free will and the power of this free will could make him choose to tolerate the pain rather than seek a cure. Well-being and happiness are desirable goals, and also the features of the utopian world, but he chooses to deny these notions and suffer in order to prove his views. Furthermore, his monologue also implies his championing of rationality over morality and how he escapes from the control imposed by morality. He says: â€Å"What was the main point about my wickedness? The whole thing precisely was †¦ that I was simply frightening sparrows in vain, and pleasing myself with it.†(4) This excerpt shows how powerfully moral judgment suppresses a person’s anger. It changes a person in rage into a timid sparrow.Moreover, simple comfort like a doll or sugar could assuage him. Closely following the above quote is the protagonist’s confession, â€Å"an intelligent man of the nineteenth century must be and is morally obliged to be primarily a characterless being; and a man of character, an active figure – primarily a limited being† (5). When everybody is calling for a higher standard of morality, the protagonist expresses the idea that morality makes people characterless. When morality is considered a social progress towards utopian idealism, the protagonist chooses to avoid it and live out his life outside of this movement, behaving in a way that society would deem wicked. He dislikes s ociety, so he stays away from it, and he remains â€Å"wicked† so as not to become characterless. The protagonist clearly knows that he could not blend in with society because of his wickedness, but upon facing their derision, he could do nothing but fight back in protest. This is illustrated by his encounter with an officer in the street. In thinking about how to deal with the superior officer, he says, â€Å"it tormented me that even in the street I simply could not be on an equal footing with him.† (48) He thought it humiliating and unequal that he would have to step aside in deference to the officer even though the man had no authority on the street. He even imagines, â€Å"what if I meet him and do not step aside? Deliberately do not step aside, even if I have to shove him?† (48) The key word here is equality, in that the protagonist does not want to exist in a system where an officer is perceived to have more value than the common man. He just would not swerve to obtain his sense of being treated equally, and all the theory of equality comes from western enlig htenment. As an intellect influenced by it, he becomes oversensitive after he spends too much of his energy focusing on it.Equality is a concept that exists in the description of ideal interpersonal relationships and, crucially, in the utopian world. It is a social state that everybody desires. However, that he emphasizes the notion of equality with such vehemence indicates that it has influenced and changed his personality and social behavior, which implies that he is a rebel of idealism. Ultimately, the narrator rejects blending in with society, and does not seek the same sense of happiness that others yearn for. His love affair with Liza is another example that proves he avoids the notion of happiness as interpreted by others. In chapter six, he says, â€Å"I grew up without a family: that must be why I turned out this way†¦feeling† (84). This personal judgment of himself prepares him for his later escape from Liza. His emotional confession of his situation touched his sensitive nerve to love, but as his confession echoes Liza’s misfortune, Liza started to pay special attention to him. However, after â€Å"seeing her suddenly blush† for what could happen next, he abruptly starts to defend himself by saying, â€Å"I am not ashamed of my poverty,† â€Å"I look upon my poverty with pride† (106) Poor but noble this is his self-evaluation which reveals his sensitiveness. Then he â€Å"jumped up and ran to Apollon,† and he t hinks he â€Å"had to vanish somewhere† (106). His sudden departure finally ends his love of Liza, which also proves that he is not only sensitive but also lacks confidence. He is poor, but he finds reasons and defends his poverty, which proves that he is afraid of his future with Liza. Because love is considered a blissful thing and a symbol of an ideal world, he chooses to avoid it and escape. The Underground Mans failed relationship with Liza, when considered together with his attitude of his life and his social behavior helps to conclude that he staunchly refused to pursue what others would perceive as an ideal world. Everything that marks idealism and betterment he choose to escape from in order to preserve his worldview of free will over happiness. As a philosophical and psychological statement, Notes from Underground expresses an anti-utopian tendency. Work Cited: Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Notes From Underground. New York: Bantam. 1983

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Bea System and CSR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Bea System and CSR - Essay Example Management now gained more strategic importance with the development of business functions like planning, organizing, coordinating and also other functions pertaining to division and management of the organisational workload among people working in different groups. Moreover the concept also gained impetus owing to its linkage to managerial activities pertaining to decision making regarding the optimum allocation and economical use of scarce organisational resources. A more current understanding of the managerial concept implies the achieving of core organisational objectives through the activities of other people. In this definition it is clearly reflected that the manager in an organisation is not required to conduct business activities by oneself. Rather such a person can manage business activities through supervising the acts of other people working under him. The above discussion henceforth holds management as a special skill or art which is practiced by the managers to fulfil o rganisational objectives through the acts of others (Peel, 1994, p.1-4; Liebler and McConnell, 2004, p.51-53). Having discussed the emergence and development of the management concept the focus is now rendered on one of the approaches to the management science known as the model for Competing Values Framework. It is found by different management experts like Quinn that the different approaches to management that had emerged with the development of scientific management had some common traits which helped the concepts to merge with each other. This merging of the concepts gave birth to a composite model known as the Competing Values Framework which is considered the appropriate model for future managerial uses. This model is considered best for future managerial applications owing to the prevalence of different types of mindsets which is closely integrated to help business managers to compete effectively with the competing and dynamic current business environment. Competing Values Fr amework model is represented in the form of a grid formed by two axes vertical and horizontal. The horizontal axis judges the effectiveness of the managerial approaches from both the internal and external respects of the organizational environment. Again the vertical axis represents different managerial traits which denote a situation of supreme flexibility at the top which trickles down to a point of absolute certainty reflecting total control. This model earns due effectiveness for reflecting the development of managerial decision making across a number of stages and thereby shows the impacts of such in the external and internal organisational environment (Pellissier, 2001, p.142-143; Smart, 2010, p.389). Thus this model depicted in Appendix A truly reflects the strategic fit in regards to both organisational values and managerial effectiveness and traits making it one of the best models for future managerial uses. Application The Organisation The organisation that would be analyz ed in this context is BEA. This organisation is held to be the world’s largest company in the field of generation of application software for other companies. BEA gained its current stand in a matter of about eight

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Design a Total Rewards program ( Coco Cola) Research Paper

Design a Total Rewards program ( Coco Cola) - Research Paper Example er in 1889, Asa Griggs Candler bought the drink’s formula and brand and started large scale production of the drink through the incorporation of The Coca-Cola Company in 1892. From then on, the company grew into a multinational beverage franchise with over 400 products sold and marketed in over 200 countries. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, the American firm specializes in manufacturing, marketing and retailing of its wide range on nonalcoholic drinks’ syrups and concentrates. The ever growing brand surpasses any other nonalcoholic brand with statistics showing more than 2 billion of its trademark drinks are consumed everyday. Coca-Cola’s main objectives is to explore every available market on the globe in order to achieve the status of being a global brand that responsibly and ethically conducts its business while accelerating sustainable growth for operation in the world of tomorrow (The Coca-Cola Company, 2014). This objective is the basis for the development of the company’s set of goals and strategies al of which revolve around achieving this main goal. The Coca-Cola Company is a global beverage brand with patents to over 500 brands of nonalcoholic beverages which it produces, markets and licenses globally. With segments in nearly all continents, the company has had to establish a set of goals that will guide its operations. In its mission statement the organization claims that it seeks to refresh the mind body and spirit of the world while inspiring moments of optimism and making a difference in every place it operates as well as creating value at the same time through the organization’s actions and brands (Coca-Cola GB, 2014). In order to achieve the company established a set of goals towards which it works towards along with its subsequent bottlers. The first is to create a great workplace environment that inspires the employees to be the best they can be (The Coca-Cola Company, 2014). Then there is the portfolio goal that seeks to refresh

Monday, August 26, 2019

Leadership of Nursing Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leadership of Nursing - Term Paper Example eir experience, promoting evidence based practice within nursing and challenging the status quo for higher learning outcome become the hallmark of nurse leaders. Nurse leadership is considerably supported by organizations that empower the workforce and encourage collective decisions and shared learning. Thus, magnet status activities within nursing indicate higher leadership capabilities of nurses in specialized cases and complex clinical situations. Magnet hospitals provide better work environment to nurses through enquiry based learning and sharing accumulated knowledge for higher patients’ outcome (Kramer, 1999). Consequently, such hospitals attract good nurses and retain them to provide high quality of care. Magnet activities provide constant learning environment and help empower the nurses to make effective decisions based on informed choices. Thus, nurses’ initiative in critical situations evolves as key leadership trait that relies on best practices and evidence based knowledge to provide quality care. They also serve as mentors for RNs and guide them to identify their core competencies for higher healthcare delivery. Their competencies in clinical setting and their ability to share specialized knowledge with others are essential ingredients that endow them with leadership qualities. Nurse leaders exploit opportunities and progress from critical nurse specialist to teacher and advisor, later becoming part of hospital administration. It indicates their constant desire to test new approaches and establish new benchmark in the patients’ care through shared knowledge and evidence based practice. As a nurse in magnet hospitals, therefore, significantly enhances their personal and professional image which is acknowledged by the peer group and other health workers. They become better equipped to respond to crisis situation and become proactive participants in creating awareness on public health. Moreover, magnet activities encourage them to empower not

Sunday, August 25, 2019

'Suddenly, Last Summer 'Film Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

'Suddenly, Last Summer 'Film Review - Essay Example The doctor realizes that Sebastian and his mother used to go everywhere together and as trendy jetsetters, they surrounded themselves with the same type of people. When his mother had a stroke, he starts going with Catherine on trips. She realizes that he likes men though it is never discussed and to say so seems like an insult to his character. It turns out that Sebastian had used his own mother and his cousin, Catherine, like bait, to lure in men he thought were attractive and then he used them for sex. While in Spain, Catherine and Sebastian were being harassed by a group of men begging for money. When Sebastian rejects their please, he takes off running and while Catherine tries to catch up to him, she finds that he has been attacked by the boys and eat him so like he was a man eater by finding men and spitting them out when he was through, the men that literally ate him, devoured him. This is common of Classic Hollywood because being homosexual was taboo. Sometimes there were even depictions of violence even though it was sometimes just playful. It is not surprising that a homosexual was basically ‘preyed’

Kaizen Costing and Target Costing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Kaizen Costing and Target Costing - Essay Example Target Costing Process: Mostly companies use target costing to project visible cost targets for any new products they seek to establish in the market. The targets set by companies are very aggressive. The idea behind this approach is to maximize cost control and ensure that profit is as steep as possible. The process begins when a company's top management establishes its target cost for the new product. For instance a Chrysler Neon or Caterpillar Excavator. The cost estimating group in the company will break the costs for the whole product into cost targets for sub-assemblies and individual components of the product. These could be engine, the transmission seats, the steering, the gear, the covers, the paddle, the clutches etc. Mostly a gap exists between the target costs as well as the cost projections for the new product based on current designs and manufacturing capabilities of the product. The real deal lies in narrowing down the gap that exists between the cost projections and target costs through cost reduction. This is where the cross functional teams come into play. By analyzing modes of manufacturing involved, process associated with the product, the raw material requirements and the costs, they figure out the cost saving opportunities. The following paragraphs will focus on the approach applied by DaimlerChrysler and Caterpillar deployed target costing in their companies. In these companies, target costing is supported by a matrix organizational structure which has both horizontal as well as vertical functional teams.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Gentrifying San Francisco Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Gentrifying San Francisco - Research Paper Example This involves poor residents being displaced by wealthy and resourceful people (Corbyn 1). Communities that experience gentrification are characterized by an increase in average income and a decrease in the average size of a family. Gentrification has the potential to affect the gay community in San Francisco through the displacement of people, economic shifts and social changes. One of the main challenges that the gay community in San Francisco, California is facing is gentrification. Gay leaders in influential gay neighborhoods such as Castro fear that these regions are quickly losing their identities. According to Associated Press (2007), these regions are being populated by heterosexual couples. An influx of heterosexual couples in these regions can be attributed to the forces of gentrification (Associated Press 1). Gay neighborhoods are increasingly becoming attractive to investors and developers. The gentrification debate is based on discussions around the uprooting of minority and poor individuals and families. These people are uprooted from their communities by government policies or developers. Different approaches or theories have been used to explain the cause of gentrification in San Francisco. There are five crucial factors that have been attributed to this trend. These are social-cultural, demographic-ecological, social movements, political-economic and community networks. In the case of demographic-ecological, gentrification has been attributed to demographic factors such as environment, social organization, population and technology. This approach explains the explosive increase in population of people aged between 25 and 35 years in the 1970s (Associated Press 1). As a result of this increase in population, demand for housing and amenities also increased. The second approach that is used to explain gentrification is the social-cultural approach. This approach expl ains gentrification based on sentiments, values, beliefs, ideas and

Friday, August 23, 2019

Economic Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Economic Development - Essay Example He challenges traditional economic theories to justify a more aggressive, humane and generous funding formula to benefit the worlds poorest nations. As rightly quoted in his book Development as Freedom; Freedom is both constitutive of development and instrumental to it. Instrumental freedoms include political freedom, economic facilities, social opportunities, transparency, and security, which are all different but inter-connected. Economic needs are considered by some to be more important than political freedoms, but the opposition is, Sen argues, mostly illusory. He also reminds us that democracy, as well as being an end in itself, plays an instrumental role in giving people a voice and a constructive role in shaping values and norms. "Political rights, including freedom of expression and discussion, are not only pivotal in inducing social responses to economic needs, they are also central to the conceptualization of economic needs themselves." (Amartya 2001) Amartya Sen views the ultimate goal of development as maximising people’s freedom to lead the lives they wish within the context of society. Political freedom and civil rights have importance of their own. Their value to the society does not have to be indirectly established in terms of their contribution to economic growth or other such economic or social achievements. Politically unfree citizens are deficient in freedom even if they happen to enjoy a very high level of income. Freedoms can be of many different kinds. In Development as Freedom, he tried to make the task more manageable by classifying diverse freedoms into five different categories, namely: economic empowerment, political freedoms, social opportunities, protective security and transparency guarantees, There is nothing particularly sacrosanct about this classification, but it does cover the ground. Political freedoms and transparency guarantee particularly in the form

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Language of Robinson Crusoe Essay Example for Free

Language of Robinson Crusoe Essay Daniel Dafoe’s popular novel, originally titled The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner: Who lived Eight and Twenty Years, all alone in an uninhabited Island on the Coast of America, near the Mouth of the Great River of Oroonoque; Having been cast on Shore by Shipwreck, wherein all the Men perished but himself. With an Account how he was at last as strangely deliver’d by Pyrates (iii), like most classics underwent many editions through the years. However nothing but the first edition, which is the basis of this essay, can give us the look and feel of the time as intended to be shown by the author. Early Modern English According to Volume 14 of The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes, Early Modern English period marked the expansion of the use of the English language outside England. But since English was spread at various times it has been subjected to different influences and additional variations caused by attempts at etymological spelling (Ward et al ch 15 sec 3 par 1). These were evident in the novel in two aspects of language: grammar and vocabulary (Ward et al ch 15 sec 1 par 1-2). Among the inflectional changes during the early modern English was the dropping of the weak vowel in verbs ending in –ed (Ward et al. ch 15 sec 4 par. 7). Examples of these manifested not only in the title (the word deliver’d) but within the text itself such as call’d, fill’d, encreas’d, and fatigu’d. Spelling also appeared to be phonetically defective (Ward et al. ch 15 sec 3 par. 1) with words like perswasions, lyon, lye, and prophetick. Compounding of words were also used in the novel by examples of free-school, hand-maids, ground-tackle and fellow-slave. However, the change in the verbs as well as the defects in spelling was not applied to the entire novel which makes us consider the reasons for such use. Towards a Purity in Style Daniel Defoe, in his book An Essay upon Projects, emphasized that it was the responsibility of the society to polish and refine the English tongue and to purge it from all the irregular additions that ignorance and affectation have introduced as befitted the noblest and most comprehensive of all the vulgar languages in the world (8). The spread of the English language was depicted in the novel when Robinson Crusoe teaches his servant Friday the English language. We may notice from an excerpt of their discourse below that although essentially Crusoe and Friday came to communicate effectively with each other, Friday’s English differs much from Crusoe’s parallel to their difference in status and origin: Friday, My Nation beat much, for all that. Master, How beat; if your Nation beat them, how come you to be taken? Friday, They more many than my Nation in the Place where me was; they take one, two, three, and me; my Nation over beat them in the yonder Place, where me no was; there my Nation take one, two, great Thousand. Master, But why did not your Side recover you from the Hands of your Enemies then? Friday, They run one, two, three, and me, and make go in the Canoe; my Nation have no Canoe that time. (Defoe, â€Å"Robinson Crusoe† 254) Much is the same circumstance that brought about the variations and additions to the English language in which Defoe is clamoring for purity (â€Å"An Essay upon Projects† 8). Shoar and Shore. Aside from the defective spelling mentioned earlier is the variation in the spelling (Ward et al. ch 15 sec 3 par. 1). An example if this is the word shore, spelled shore and shoar, in different context of the novel. It may be noted that shoar was only used in the part of Robinson Crusoe’s mishaps. That is to say, from the part of his captivity at Sallee until before his wreck on the island. These mishaps, Crusoe later reflected on, were results of his ignorance in the Providence of God and malcontent thus the use of the spelling shoar. While his solitary life in the island described the learning process he underwent to survive and finally live harmoniously with his surroundings; hence the renewed use of the spelling shore. In this regard, one may interpret that the use of the word was intentional to show the need and difficulty in creating a standard for the English language. viz. and (viz.). The use of foreign language in novels is quite common throughout the ages. As such, we came to attention on the use of the Latin word viz. Oxford English Dictionary defines viz. as the abbreviation of videlicet which generally means namely or that is to say (1033). Although Defoe used viz. without parenthesis and viz. in parenthesis based on the same definition, its participation in the statement are quite different. The viz. without parenthesis was used in identifying and qualifying statements such as the â€Å"All the rest of that Day I spent in afflicting my self at the dismal Circumstances I was brought to, viz. I had neither Food, House, Clothes, Weapon, or Place to fly to†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (â€Å"Robinson Crusoe† 82). On the other hand, viz. in parenthesis, which appeared in lines like â€Å"This was what I wish’d for; so I took them up, and serv’d them as we serve notorious Thieves in England, (viz.) Hang’d them in Chains for a Terror to others†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (â€Å"Robinson Crusoe† 138), was used as such in order to explain earlier statement. The use of parenthesis to differentiate the use of the same word in the novel further reflects Defoe’s quest for refinement of the English language as mentioned previously. Conclusion Indeed, regardless of the plot of the story which categorized it to fiction, the culture and language of the time is unmistakable. Robinson Crusoe, in its original version, allows us the indulgence to peek and appreciate not only the early modern English language but the period as well. The flexibility of the language then reflected the society of that time as it has always been for any period or era. At the same time, the novel provided additional venue for the author to disseminate his ideas and further his individual attempt towards the transition to the modern English language and insertions to the importance of learning across the spectrum of the society. Such power language has to influence its readers, whether consciously or unconsciously. And the duality that the novel showed made it a favorite among children and adults alike. Fulfilling its objectives to entertain and propagate (however subtle it may be). Works Cited Defoe, Daniel. An Essay Upon Projects. New York: Adamant Media Corporation, 2005. Print. . The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner: Who lived Eight and Twenty Years, all alone in an uninhabited Island on the Coast of America, near the Mouth of the Great River of Oroonoque; Having been cast on Shore by Shipwreck, wherein all the Men perished but himself. With an Account how he was at last as strangely deliver’d by Pyrates. London: printed for W. Taylor, 1719. Print. Oxford English Dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. Print. Ward, Aldolphus William, Sir, et al. The Cambridge History of English and American Literature. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1907-21; New York:, 2000 (Web) April 1, 2009.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

India cinema Essay Example for Free

India cinema Essay India cinema over the ages has developed a flavor and aroma of its own. The vibrancy and exuberance of our cinema is unparalleled across the globe. India cinema, over the year, has transcended the barriers of language, art and culture, broken all the bonds and crossed all borders to colour the entire world with is emblematic song, dances, music, melodrama and didacticism. India cinema has a bit of everything. It has the capacity to imbibe all the shades and every spice of life within its ambit. It has been mystifying, enthralling, enchanting and entertaining millions since a long long time now. Every today, watching cinema is the most popular mode of entertainment and a favourite pastime of people from all section of society transcending over cast, creed, race or religion. In fact, bollywood after cricket is a sub-religion of the country. From the most common man to the intellectual and the elites-all enjoy watching movies in their leisure time with their friends and families. Cinema works as a great unifying factor which brings together the high and the low, the rice and the poor , the young and the old-all under the same roof for next two or three hour . It entertains without discrimination, thrill and tickles without knowing a difference man and man. I too, like watching movies with my parents and friend in my spare time. Last year, Sahara Motion Picture initiated a new era in India cinema. The long awaited animation movies for children were released and it runs successfully in theaters all over the country. Not only children but also teenagers, old and young, all cinema halls in large number to watch-Hanuman. I too had been waiting for the movie eagerly. Once the movie was released, my friend’s family and mine made plans to watch the movies in our nearest theater on the ensuing Sunday. We all were extremely excited. In fact, my friend and I could hardly wait for weekend. On the appointed Sunday, we reached the theatre filled with thrill excitement through and through. Predictable, none of us were disappointed after watching the movie. Since then, it has become one of my favourite movies. The movie is a fabulous animation of the legend of the faithful friend and follower of Lord Ram and his greatest accomplice in the battle against Ravana. The movie traces the entire life-story of Hanuman-right from his birth to the fulfillment of the aim which he was bore. The stories begin with sin and wickedness increasing on the earth and all the Gods rushing to Brahma-the Creator for his protection. The movie brilliantly captures the miraculous birth of Hanuman and his innocent childhood pranks to his education from the Sun god. The scene when the little Hanuman wakes up and mistakes the sun peeping form behind a mango tree to be mango and rushes to eat it out of grave hunger is one of my favorites. The way he reaches the sun and fight Rahu is extremely interesting. Hanuman- who is the incarnation of Lord Shiva grows up loved and pampered and gradually being trained for his great appointed task. As he grows up, he meets Lord Ram who is also growing up in his palace with his brothers. I particularly enjoyed the scene where Lord Shiva and Hanuman was extremely amusing with his multi-coloured cap and his extraordinary feats amused all of us extremely. Even the Kite scene when little Ram’s kite gets lost amidst the clouds and Hanuman disguising as the monkey is also my favourite scene. The rest of the movie too is interesting. One never loses interest throughout the movie. The movie, all through, captivates one’s attention thoroughly. The other scene, which really liked, is the ones when Hanuman goes to Lanka to search Sita. The entire sequence of the scenes thereafter is my favourite. L really liked each and every scene-the way Hanuman burns down the entire Lanka to teach Ravana a lesson and the scene later of the famous Kumbhakaran with his legendary sleep and appetite. In short, there is nothing that I don’t like about the movie. Enjoyed every bit of it and all the more so in the company of my friend and my family. I like the movie not only because it is entertaining but also because it teaches a lot about our rich and ancient mythology and the Hindu religion to us. It is usually seen that we don’t get the opportunity to know about our religion and the legends in our mythology in normal course of our lives. The movie is didactic and educative for children as the honest Hanuman, which he harbours for his lord Ram. The movie not only enriches and educates the innocent and fertile young minds but also the old adults alike. The movie was not only like by we friend but also by our parents which was a proof of how wonderful the movie was, even though but also by our parent which was a proof of how wonderful the movie was, even though an animation caters to the need of a specific age group and strata of the society. The animation was of best quality, the special effects very graphical and the morals and l hope we get many more such movies to see in the near future which educate as well as entertain the viewers irrespective of their age, cast, culture religion or race.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Are Eyewitness Identifications Reliable?

Are Eyewitness Identifications Reliable? Eyewitness testimony is one of the most commonly employed forms of direct evidence presented in court and is often more persuasive to juries than circumstantial evidence. Memory is often defined as the processing, storage and retrieval of information acquired through learning. Throughout your day, thousands of sights, sounds, smells and other stimuli from the external environment flood your sensory receptors. All this information, whether paid attention to or not, is briefly held in your sensory memory. Sensory memory is the entry point of memory, where new incoming sense-based information is stored for a very brief period. Short-term memory is a memory system with a limited storage capacity (7 +/- 2 items) and duration. Information is stored temporarily, and assuming that no rehearsal process is used, can be retained fairly well for the first few seconds, but for a longer time than sensory memory. After about 12 seconds, however, recall starts to decline and by 18-30 seconds almost all information disappears if it has not been renewed in some way. The duration can be enhanced if some rehearsal is involved. Long-term memory refers to memory system that stores almost an unlimited amount of information, which can be stored over a lifetime with rehearsal. It comprises of two different systems called declarative memory (specific facts and events) and procedural memory (actions and skills that have been learned previously). Recall and recognition also play a role in the process of retrieving information. Recognition is the ability to elicit stored material (memory) through the use of a cue (Eg. A photo line-up). Recall on the other hand is the ability to elicit stored material without externally providing any type of cue. The reliability of information is an important factor when it comes to identifying suspects and alleged offenders and providing a testimony at trials. Factor One – Age: During circumstances in which a child is a witness to an event, the credibility of that child and whether their testimony is reliable, is often questioned. Young children are able to testify, however they must be found competent before they can do so. The child must be able to understand the obligation of telling the truth, and the effects of lying. If the child is deemed unfit to testify, their prior statements to counsellors, doctors, or law enforcement may be used at trial. Article one: The purpose of first study conducted was to determine whether children as young as 6 or 7 years of age could understand and perform the task of identification, and whether decisional bias and committing fewer false alarms increases with age. Forty eight children were recruited, twenty five male and 23 female. The children were separated into two groups, 2 separate conditions (stealing vs. helping). They were all shown a short video individually, showing four men, dressed in identical red shirts in a soccer locker room. At the end of the video it shows one of the men walking out with two sports bags, one with a New York Yankees logo on it, which had previously been brought in by one of the other men. Each child was given instructions before and after watching the video, which were designed to frame the act, as a moral transgression (stealing) or pro-social (helping). The participants in the stealing condition were asked to identify the man who stole the bag. The others in the helping condition were asked to help the owner of the bags find him to give him a reward. After seeing the film, the participants were asked to say what they had witnessed, what happened in the film, and if they failed to mention that nature of the act (stealing or helping), the experimenter did. The children were then shown a series of photographs, presented sequentially, and for each photo, they were asked to identify whether it was or was not the man. The photos were all taken against an identical neutral background, with them being head-and-shoulders shots with each individual earing the same red t-shirt. In the end the children were asked if they had any questions and were praised for their cooperation, they were then allowed to choose a coloured pen as a reward and given a certificate of appreciation. The data supported the performance hypothesis that, younger children would apply a more negligent criterion when making eyewitness judgements of moral transgressions. The results show th at children in the younger age groups were more prone to make false alarms than children in the 11-14 years age group, and children in the youngest age group were more likely to be very sure that a person was guilty of stealing when he was not, compared to those in the older age groups. In conclusion, younger children are not as reliable when it comes to being an eyewitness to an event. Article two: There is usually a delay from the time a crime is witnessed and a suspect being apprehended, this allows the suspect to undergo a change in appearance, for example changing their hairstyle or hair colour. It is unclear how adults’ and children’s identification abilities compare when the suspect changes their appearance. In a recent meta-analysis, with simultaneous presentation, it showed that children over 5 were as accurate as adults in producing comparable correct identification rates. This study manipulated a suspect’s appearance (hair colour style) to produce ‘no change’ conditions (line-up members match the suspect’s appearance at the time of the crime) versus ‘change’ conditions (line-up members do not match the suspect’s appearance at the time of the crime). Both children and adults were tested. 239 adults were recruited from the introductory psychology participant pool at a university in Eastern Ontario, Canada, an d 96 children recruited from local elementary schools in Eastern Ontario, Canada. Upper body photos were taken resembling the suspect with short, grey hair, or dark mid-length hair. From the assortment of photos, six photos of men that matched the suspect’s description with short, grey hair and six photos that matched the suspect’s description with longer, darker hair were selected to for the line-ups. Two target-present line-ups were conducted, one line-up consisted of six photos, which consisted of five line-up members who had short, grey hair and the suspect’s photo (with short, grey hair). The second line-up consisted of six photos, which consisted of five line-up members who had longer, darker brown hair and the suspect’s photo (with longer, darker, brown hair). There were also target-absent line-ups conducted, one line-up consisted of five foils with short grey hair, with the suspect’s photo replaced with a matching male. The other line-up co nsisted of five foils with darker brown hair with the suspect’s photo replaced with a matching male. The results show that in a meta-analysis comparing the children’s and adults’ correct identification rates, children as young as 5 years of age were found to be able to select the suspect from a group of photos containing the suspect, at a rate comparable to adults. This changed however, when the suspect’s didn’t match his appearance at the time of the crime. For both children and adults’, there was a decrease in their correct identification rates when the suspects appearance changed, they both had great difficulty in correctly identifying the guilt suspect. One reason for a decrease in correct identification following a change in appearance is that eyewitnesses may use hairstyle as a key marker for identification. Overall the elimination procedure is the most effective when it comes to identification rates for both children and adults. Factor two – Stress/Arousal Witnessing a disturbing event (an act of violence) is likely to elicit arousal and to be stressful. Being under stress at the time of encoding can have an effect on the memory process, typically enhancing or preserving memory for emotional information, this can have an interesting implication for eyewitness accounts. Research has found that in the area of emotion and memory has provided evidence that stress influences the long-term memory processes. Article one: The goal of this study was to examine the subsequent effects of misinformation exposure on memory for a negative arousing to-be-remembered event encoded under stress. They adapted a slideshow, with materials from Payne et al. (2006), then added a misinformation manipulation 48 hours after encoding and 48 hour prior to memory testing. Sixty-eight undergraduate students were recruited through the university of Arizona subject pool. Participants were instructed to abstain from alcohol, caffeine, and exercise on days of experimental sessions. Participants were randomly assigned to a two (stress vs. control) and two (misinformation vs. no misinformation). On the first visit, the participants were engaged in a psychosocial stress induction (control task), after they were escorted to another room to few a negatively arousing slideshow. Participants returned forty-eight hours later to the lab to complete the second experimental visit. Upon arrival, the participants were told that they would be asked a series of questions, a totally of 60, relating to the slideshow the view previously two days ago. The questions for the misinformation condition had false information embedded as factual elements of the slideshow (e.g. â€Å"What did the boy have in his hands?† versus â€Å"What did the boy have in his hands besides his lunch?†). The questions were identical in the misinformed and non-misinformed groups to avoid inadvertently cuing one group with information that could potentially benefit the memory performance. The questions asked in this session were designed to expose the participants in the misinformation group to false information. Participants returned another forty-eight hours later after questioning, to complete the third and final experimental session, they were told that their memory of the slideshow would be tested. This was assessed using a recognition test that consisted of 136 questions, administered over a computer. The results showed that bei ng under stress prior to encoding affects memory for a negative event by enhancing subsequent memory. This finding supports the notion that stress influences encoding of aversive events, although stress alone did not moderate misinformation endorsement. Participants were less likely to endorse misinformation for the most negatively-arousing portion of the slideshow if they were stressed prior to encoding, and reported that they were aroused by the negative event. These participants had a more accurate memory for items that had been misinformed with the slideshow phase. The results demonstrate that, in regards to eyewitness memory, arousal induced by an event, in combination with activations of a stressed state, result in an enhanced emotional memory that is less vulnerable to the incorporation of false details, despite being exposed to direct misleading information. Article two: The goal of this study was to investigate how post-encoding stress will affect memory, depending on the thematic arousal of the initial learning period. Predicted that under high thematic arousal, post-learning stress would enhance memory for the central elements of an event, for example a cashbox grabbed by the burglar. Participants were recruited from Bielefeld University, 88 males, ages ranging from 19 to 37. The experiment consisted of four main stages, encoding of an event, manipulation of psychosocial stress, rehearsal of the event information and a recognition test for the event. The first stage consisted of the participants viewing a video-filmed event depicting a burglary. Participants in the high arousal condition should have anticipated to see a distressing, possibily violent incident in the video shown. However those in the low arousal condition were exposed to an event that was unlikely to be as distressing. In second stage, after encoding has occurred, a stress manipula tion was applied. About half of the participants were administered the Trier Social Stress Test, this induced psychosocial stress, the remaining participants were exposed to a non-stressful situation. In the third stage, the participants read a narrative description of the witnessed event, the description did however include items not shown in the original event. In the final stage the participants were given a yes or no recognition test that contained items that did appear in the video and those that didn’t. This study showed that eyewitnesses’ memory for an event was influenced by the combined effect of arousal during encoding and subsequent social stress, which was not related to the event itself. The results indicate that eyewitnesses are likely to experience arousal during observation of an event, they also may be exposed to social stress shortly after, like during an interrogation for example. There was no evidence that thematic arousal and/or post-event stress a ffected the participants’ memory for false post-event information. It is shown that age can have an effect on an eyewitness’s reliability, children are prone to forget things or take into account misleading information and believe it is true. With that being said their credibility is often questioned. Results show that younger children are more prone to making mistakes, and saying someone is guilty, even when they’re not, overall young children are not as reliable. Being under stress at the time of an event can have an effect on memory, however it does not effect on an eyewitnesses memory of an event. These studies show that eyewitnesses are still able to recall the events that happened, even after experiencing pre or post-event stress. At the end of the day, both can have an effect of the recall of information, and identifying the correct perpetrator. Reference List: Echterhoff, G., Wolf, O. (2012). The stressed eyewitness: the interaction of thematic arousal and post-event stress in memory for central and peripheral event information. Front. Integr. Neurosci., 6. doi:10.3389/fnint.2012.00057 Hoscheidt, S., LaBar, K., Ryan, L., Jacobs, W., Nadel, L. (2014). Encoding negative events under stress: High subjective arousal is related to accurate emotional memory despite misinformation exposure. Neurobiology Of Learning And Memory, 112, 237-247. doi:10.1016/j.nlm.2013.09.008 Pozzulo, J., Balfour, J. (2006). Childrens and adults eyewitness identification accuracy when a culprit changes his appearance: Comparing simultaneous and elimination lineup procedures. Legal And Criminological Psychology, 11(1), 25-34. doi:10.1348/13553250552626 Spring, T., Saltzstein, H., Peach, R. (2012). Childrens Eyewitness Identification as Implicit Moral Decision-Making. Appl. Cognit. Psychol., 27(2), 139-149. doi:10.1002/acp.2871

Monday, August 19, 2019

Yoga Essay -- essays research papers

The term Yoga has a few meanings. It's both a school of thought in the Hindu religion, and a system of mental and physical exercise developed by this school. All forms of yoga originated in India. People who follow this school, and practice any form of yoga are called yogis, or yogins. Students study under prolonged and careful guidance of the teacher, known as the guru. The first syllable 'gu,'; in Sanskrit means light; the second syllable, 'ru'; means light. A guru is a spiritual teacher who leads the pupil from darkness to light. Literally, yoga means 'the union of mind and body.'; In Sanskrit, the language of India, yoga means discipline. Many people in western countries practice some form of yoga exercise in hope of improving their health, and achieving peace of mind. Various forms of yoga have become popular in Europe and the United States. Transcendental Meditation is a simplified version of the yoga of Hinduism. Bhakti-Yoga involves the dedication of all actions and thoughts to a chosen God. Hatha-Yoga, stresses difficult bodily postures and breathing techniques. It has become very popular as a method of gaining and improving health. Certain people also study this form of yoga because of the control they develop over certain bodily functions. A new concept in fitness combines gentle stretching with techniques from Hatha Yoga to perform the most effective, relaxing ways of exercising. It is called Yogacise. There are other forms of yoga that are practiced in India. T...

William Blakes The Chimney-Sweeper, Holy Thursday (Innocence) and Lond

Compare and Contrast William Blake's The Chimney-Sweeper, Holy Thursday (Innocence) and London I am going to compare and contrast three of William Blake poems, where he shows his feelings about the way people treat children: The Chimney-Sweeper, Holy Thursday (Innocence) and London. The Chimney-Sweeper is about a child who sweeps chimneys. William Blake sets this poem in the winter. The children worked in the cold. Blake says, â€Å"A little black thing among the snow,† â€Å"The little black thing,† Is the child who is dirty from cleaning the chimneys who stands out in the snow. He also looks like a black mask on the landscape. Like a dirty stain. â€Å"Crying weep, weep in the notes of woe!† Blake hears them crying a song. As children do when they are sad, the notes of woe are notes of extreme sadness. â€Å"Where are both father and mother? Say? They are both gone up to the church to pray† this sounds as if someone is asking the boy questions and he answers. The child’s parents are missing. They don’t know where their parent are, they could be praying at church. The church back then was in possession of a lot of land, building and laid down guide lives for people’s life styles. It also seems as if the church supports the parents and does not consider that they have done any thing wrong. The parents are sending the children to work at early age, and in dangerous conditions (chimneys). In the second verse William Blake talks about the child as a happy child, but since he’s been take up the chimneys he is aware of the dangers of his new job hence â€Å"cloths of death,† he’s now a different person. His new job has changed his life, and he lives his life wondering if today he will die up a chimney. It has robbed him of a lif... ...the priest and King for not noticing and accepting the bad environment the poor are living in. Blake doesn't like the Priest and Church for not caring for the poor, even though they worship God and the Priest, it is unfair. Blake thought very highly of children, he felt sorry for the children who became chimney sweepers. He states this many times in his poetry. He thought that the children were the future and that they shouldn't be treated like dirt. They shouldn't get starved for hunger, the wealthy should have looked after the children, but they didn't. The children didn't get any importance then. Blake wanted the rich to know the suffering and pain they have put the poor side through. This povety is also happening in the world now and William Blake now helps the world relise that there is povety in the world, and also emphasizes to care for the poor. William Blake's The Chimney-Sweeper, Holy Thursday (Innocence) and Lond Compare and Contrast William Blake's The Chimney-Sweeper, Holy Thursday (Innocence) and London I am going to compare and contrast three of William Blake poems, where he shows his feelings about the way people treat children: The Chimney-Sweeper, Holy Thursday (Innocence) and London. The Chimney-Sweeper is about a child who sweeps chimneys. William Blake sets this poem in the winter. The children worked in the cold. Blake says, â€Å"A little black thing among the snow,† â€Å"The little black thing,† Is the child who is dirty from cleaning the chimneys who stands out in the snow. He also looks like a black mask on the landscape. Like a dirty stain. â€Å"Crying weep, weep in the notes of woe!† Blake hears them crying a song. As children do when they are sad, the notes of woe are notes of extreme sadness. â€Å"Where are both father and mother? Say? They are both gone up to the church to pray† this sounds as if someone is asking the boy questions and he answers. The child’s parents are missing. They don’t know where their parent are, they could be praying at church. The church back then was in possession of a lot of land, building and laid down guide lives for people’s life styles. It also seems as if the church supports the parents and does not consider that they have done any thing wrong. The parents are sending the children to work at early age, and in dangerous conditions (chimneys). In the second verse William Blake talks about the child as a happy child, but since he’s been take up the chimneys he is aware of the dangers of his new job hence â€Å"cloths of death,† he’s now a different person. His new job has changed his life, and he lives his life wondering if today he will die up a chimney. It has robbed him of a lif... ...the priest and King for not noticing and accepting the bad environment the poor are living in. Blake doesn't like the Priest and Church for not caring for the poor, even though they worship God and the Priest, it is unfair. Blake thought very highly of children, he felt sorry for the children who became chimney sweepers. He states this many times in his poetry. He thought that the children were the future and that they shouldn't be treated like dirt. They shouldn't get starved for hunger, the wealthy should have looked after the children, but they didn't. The children didn't get any importance then. Blake wanted the rich to know the suffering and pain they have put the poor side through. This povety is also happening in the world now and William Blake now helps the world relise that there is povety in the world, and also emphasizes to care for the poor.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Handmaids Tale Essay -- essays research papers

Many of the principles of Gilead are based on Old Testament beliefs. Discuss Atwoods use of biblical allusions and their political significance in the novel.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   ‘The Handmaids Tale’ is a book full of biblical allusions, before Atwood begins the text an epigraph gives us an extract from Genesis 30: 1-3 â€Å"And when Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister; and said unto Jacob, Give me children, or else I die. And Jacob’s anger was kindled against Rachel; and he said, Am I in God’s stead, who hath withheld from thee the fruit of the womb? And she said, Behold my maid Bilhah, go in unto her; and she shall bear upon my knees, that I may also have children by her.† This principle from the Bible is used throughout ‘The Handmaids Tale’, the principles being that it is the idea of both assemblages that a women’s duty is to have children and that it is acceptable for a man to be angry if a women can not produce a child. Both these beliefs show that in jointly the Bible and ‘The Handmaids Tale’, women are completely defined by fertility and are classed as ‘walking wombs’. ‘The Handmaids Tale’ recreates the selected stanzas from the bible with Jacob, Rachel, Leah and the two handmaids. The tale is an Old Testament story about surrogate mothers, on which the novel is based. The section gives biblical precedent for the several practices of Gilead, by doing this it paves the way for Atwood to comment on patriarchy where women are undervalued and abused in all walks of life. The idea is also expressed later when we discover the ‘Red Centre’ governmentally known as the ‘Rachel a nd Leah Centre’. As the basis of the novel it is replicated many times throughout the text, for example, it is found in the family reading before the monthly ceremonies, and in Rachel’s plea ‘give me children, or else I die’. This clearly lays emphasis on the threat to the Handmaids life. By failing to produce a child, they will be classed as Unwomen and sent to the Colonies to die. Atwood, to coordinate with biblical references has employed a biblical name for the place where the book is set. Gilead is the name Atwood saw fit to call her town. The fundamentalist Republic of Gilead is named after a place in the Old Testament, a mountainous region east of Jordan. Gilead is closely connected with the history of patriarch Jacob, and the prophe... ...ical references, for example, the lords prayer in chapter thirty where she changes the ‘norm’ and asks for the things that she really wants. Just like the commander and the teachers of regime do in order to get what they want. â€Å"Now we come to forgiveness. Don’t worry about forgiving me right now. There are more important things. For instance: keep others safe, if they are safe. Don’t let them suffer too much. If they have to die, let it be fast. You might even provide a heaven for them. We need you for that. Hell we can create ourselves.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gileads official discourse is a hybridised rhetoric, which combines biblical language with traces of American capitalist phrases; for example, ‘in God we trust’ is the motto on the dollar bill. Marxism and feminism. It uses and abuses the bible in the same way as it uses the slogans of the liberal ideology it has overthrown.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬ËœThe Handmaids Tale’ is a blunt warning to modern society, Atwood underlines that all the points in her novel have occurred in the world previously, and if propaganda establishes itself it could take place again.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Educational Paradigms Essay

Paradigms are ways of thinking or getting things done. As time passes and new concepts evolve, the way things are being done or implemented begin to undergo significant changes. Paradigms are continually shifting and this is unavoidable. For example, prior to the beginning of the information age, education could only be achieved by physically seeking admission and going through manual registration processes before one could be considered a student. The situation has changed today. Most of these processes may now be achieved online, as is the case with American Intercontinental University (AIU). A new educational paradigm has been ushered in as a result of technological advancements (Riegle, n. d. ). Which paradigm best describes your current learning organizational environment? Why? Provide an example. The ideal paradigm is the one that favours the emergence of standard practices, improved methodologies, and a range of resources that help to establish benchmarks and develop instructional strategies that give students the opportunity to learn properly and reap the benefits of education optimally. American Intercontinental University (AIU) provides an online educational system that offers increased accessibility to students from the convenience of their homes. This is accomplished through the use of up-to-date technological devices, software programs, internet connection, and computers. Since technology has turned the world into a global village, the educational paradigm is gradually shifting from the use of traditional classrooms to an online learning system. This learning platform has necessitated the need for an interactive method of learning to supplement the lecture materials, sample essays and the numerous resources that are made available to students to facilitate their learning process. For example, Instructional strategies that involve the use of chat rooms, discussion groups, emails, forums or message boards are employed to achieve learning. How does your organizational paradigm affect your assessments and measurement of student learning? AIU strives to balance learning strategies by adopting principles of various learning theories and applying them to instructional design and students’ assessment. The University presents materials to students in formats that they can easily understand, usually in the form of video, audio, presentations, and other related methods. Measurement of student learning is achieved through the evaluation of students’ participation in group activities, discussion groups, learning teams, chat rooms, and ability to use concept maps, mnemonics or organizers to reflect their knowledge of concepts. This is in support of the Cognitivism theory which states that it is important to understand how the human mind works so that we can understand how students learn (Learning Theories Knowledgebase, 2008). Assessment of learning is also done by giving students home work, assignments or group projects so that they can learn through their own activities and personal experiences. This is a very important paradigm at AIU since most of the learning activities take place online. Students are encouraged to learn through simulation, exploration and active participation in message boards and various projects assigned to them. This method of assessment is in agreement with the constructivism theory which states that knowledge is imbibed through active participation and engagement of the learner. The theory asserts that for knowledge to be retained, it is important to link new concepts with familiar concepts (Learning Theories Knowledgebase, 2008). On a personal level, which paradigm do you feel most represents your own views of education and assessment? Even though technology has its numerous benefits and offers students various opportunities of convenience and ease of use, traditional learning methods should also be sustained because each style of learning has its own benefits. It’s important to maximize the advantages of each learning style so that optimal results may be achieved. In consonance with the theory of behaviorism, good performance should always be rewarded with praise, awards or any other form of recognition to encourage the students, while the undesired behavior (bad performance) may be rewarded by holding back such rewards (Learning Theories Knowledgebase, 2008). This ensures that individual performances in learning are immediately observed and weak points are focused on for possible improvement. By balancing the learning theories and employing the use of best practices in administering lectures to students, learning can indeed become an enhanced and exciting experience. References Learning Theories Knowledgebase. (2008). Index of Learning Theories and Models. Retrieved September 25, 2008 from http://www. learning-theories. com Riegle, R. P. (n. d. ). Educational Paradigms. Visionary Leadership for the Information Age. Retrieved September 26 from http://people. coe. ilstu. edu/rpriegle/wwwdocs/paradigm/welcome. htm

Friday, August 16, 2019

Karma Upon Death by Scrabble Essay

Karma. What is karma? Is it a part of life? Is it what helps us make decisions? Or is it the balance of life and everyone living in it? In Charlie Fish’s story Death By Scrabble karma is the main theme. This fictional story is about a husband and his wife playing Scrabble, a game in which players earn points for the words made by them with available letters. The story narrates how the words in the game reflect the practical life of the players. In every story there are literary devices used to help develop the theme of the story. In this story the terms imagery, the use of foreshadowing, and mostly irony. By the end of this essay readers will realise how all the use of these literary terms helped develop the theme of karma in Charlie Fish’s Death By Scrabble. Imagery in Death By Scrabble I shown a lot and helps conquer the theme behind the story, karma. â€Å"I’m 42 years old, it’s a blistering hot Sunday afternoon and all I can think of to do with my wife is play Scrabble† (page 1)this is giving the readers an imagery upon the of the setting in which the husband and wife are upon. While starting there’s the obvious feel and imagination of the image of the married couple sitting and playing the game at a season of heat and anguish. Playing the game, the couple begins to play in a way against each other with intention to win, the imagery is seen upon when his wives â€Å"smug expression as she rearranges her letters. Clack, clack clack. † (page1) The husband is as well in a race to win the game, as seen by him hoping â€Å"she has lousy letters† and even finding it â€Å"remarkably Tilo 2 satisfying† when his wife â€Å"gets a static shock off the air conditioning unit. † Each player is against the other while being able to outstandingly give immense imagery to the readers even the inner feelings such as the husband feeling â€Å"a terrible rage build up inside†¦ some inner poison slowly spreading.. and when it gets to my fingertips I am going to jump out of my chair and†¦ start hitting her again and again and again. † It’s obvious that he’s feeling angry and wants to win badly to annoy her or maybe to get a good feeling out of it. Imagery makes the story fulfill with life and integrity into being believed and seen in the reader’s imagination and perspective. Another literary is deviced used in this story is foreshadowing. In the story we realise right away that the husband hate towards his wife, and wants to get rid of her as soon as possible. This foreshadows that there is a possibility of death in the story. As the story goes on the husband realizes all of the words he puts down on the scrabble board are coming true. â€Å"Waiting to fly. Stupid. I opened my eyes, and theres a fly. An insect, buzzing around above the scrabble board, surfing the thermals from the tepid cup of tea. That proves nothing. † (page 4) This is another example of foreshadowing because the  author hints to the reader that the Scrabble Board is jinxed, and that the next words that the husband and wife put down on the board will become reality. Lastly another Foreshadowing moment happens when she plays the word â€Å"caution†. This foreshadows a warning of something bad to come. We now see how foreshadowing plays a huge role connecting to the theme of the story. Oh the irony! The last literary term irony is used from top to bottom in this story. This quote is when the narrator/main character starts realize that everything being put down on the Scrabble Board is  happening in real life. â€Å"She plays sweatier†¦ i’m getting sweatier† This is when the reader may notice the overall irony in the story when the words come to life and are completed. â€Å"I don’t believe it- it can’t be Tilo 3 a coincidence. The letters made it happen. I played the word explodes†¦ and the air conditioning unit exploded† (page 3) with this mindset of the husband he reveals the irony and the reality in the story for the reader. A big part of irony in the story is how his cousin â€Å"Harold swallowed a bee when he was nine, his throat swelled up and he died. †Then towards the end of the story he chokes on a â€Å"b† just like his cousin and dies. The greatest irony in the story is the fact that throughout the whole time the husband is playing scrabble trying to figure out which words he can spell out to kill his wife, but what he doesn’t know is that his wife is playing the same game. And ironically she ends up winning. Irony in this story best illustrates Karma. Finally the use of these literary terms helped create the theme of this story. The suspense kept the reader wanting to know what will happen to the wife.  will he kill her? Foreshadowing in this story is also another huge part in showing karma, when he realizes every word he puts down becomes a reality, and his wife playing and plays the word â€Å"caution† to warn him. Lastly the greatest literary device used to help create the theme of karma is irony. It is very ironic how the husbands cousin dies from choking on a bee and he ends up choking on a B, also the fact that the husband is trying to kill his wife, but once again ironically she ends up killing him. These are the ingredients in this story that helped develop the theme of karma.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

My Religious Belief System Essay

My religious belief system is embedded in Christianity. I was born into a family who worshiped as Methodist and I am still Methodist. Growing up my mother not only sent us to church, she went with us along with my grandmother, aunts, uncles and cousins. Even though my father did not attend church often, he believed in God and supported my mother’s desire to have her children in church. The neighborhood I grew up in consisted of a great deal of my mother’s family and everyone served at the same church, right there in the community. My religious beliefs, directed my life in the sense of keeping my family close, taking my children to church, and teaching them the right way. I remember before my baptism, my pastor explained to me the importance of being baptized and partaking in communion. The first time I accepted communion at the age of 12, I felt like I was receiving a part of Jesus in my body as protection against anything and everything. Later, I learned the real reason for communion is repentance and the need for forgiveness. My nurturing from church became an ethical path growing up. Without this direction in my life, a number of things I have experienced would probably cause me to detour too another way of thinking and doing things. My definition of a religious belief system is believe in God, involving yourself in worship and praise services and comprehending and living by a standard outlined by the word of God. In addition to that my beliefs tie in with the definition stated above. I am a Christian and with that being said, I believe in God and his son Jesus Christ. I truly believe Christ is our Lord and Savior who came into existence because of our sins and for that reason, I believe Christ died after he was crucified on the cross and 3 days later, he rose with all power over everything in heavens and earth. I believe Christ died for the sins of the entire world so that every living being may have life and live it more abundantly and when the time comes for our bodies to return to dust or dirt then our souls will join him in heaven if we believe he is Lord. From what I read and from what I am constantly learning from the Bible, I grasp what is required of me as an individual and as a Christian in association with my conduct, meaning the way I behave toward others, and so forth. The Bible is an excellent guideline of what God expects us to do. By now, it seems obvious what I believe and it appears to be apparent that my belief system is absolutely a religious belief system. I pray constantly without ceasing for my children, my entire family and everyone I consider crucial to me. After analyzing my belief system, I grew into different facets of my religious belief system through phases of my life. For example, I knew several prayers at a young age but I did not understand how crucial prayer was concerning my religious beliefs. I recall as a young girl being on my knees along beside my grandmother saying my prayers. I remember her teaching one prayer for night and one for the mornings. Even as a teenager, I realized some of the proper characteristics of my belief system but being young in mind I did not always adhere to that belief. I always knew deep inside because of what my belief is that some things I will not do. I do not consider myself a saint and I have made some terrible decisions but not to the point where I ignored my conscious which convicts us. Now that I have reached adulthood and I have experienced other things like marriage, having children, and coping with tragedies the significance of my belief system advanced and I know today I am almost whole. The benefits and disadvantages of acquiring my belief system are a distant stretch. The benefits of my religious belief system is knowing God always watches over me in spite of my faults and the ungodly decisions I have made in my life, I know he will always look after me and never leave me and that is a enormous benefit. One disadvantage to my belief system is any individual may easily disobey laws we find ordained throughout the scriptures. For example, I concur lying about another individual or one may even consider this gossip about other people is not a pleasant thing to do. I loathed a liar, when I know someone is telling a lie that bothers me. I hear people gossiping all the time and it seems to be an easy task. This is just one example but not a small one not in God’s eyesight. However, it exemplifies the point. Numerous things can violate God’s word whether you meant to be â€Å"disobedient† or not to the laws, it still considered a violation. The observable disadvantage is, unless you are perfect you are going to sin against God’s word because no one is perfect but the Father. In reality, a portion of my belief system is the entire concept of believing that each of us was born in an imperfect world and everyone will sin at some point in our lives. Once more, we see the reason we have Jesus. I know he died for our sins to save us and God is a forgiving God. The role of tradition in my religious belief system is tremendous. Sometimes I reminisce over things I did as a child like waiting on Santa and not being able to sleep on Christmas Eve. I evidently was not thinking about the truth, this particular holiday was about the birth of Christ at that time. Later on, my children went through this identical custom every year. On the other hand, this tradition means a great deal more to me now. Every year during this time, I give gifts to my children, grandchildren and other family but the most important thing is I attend church for praise and worship. I participate with my church family presenting gifts and food to different people who are alone at Christmas and for those confined to the nursing home and no one to spend time with them. Another tradition my family started was to invite someone less fortunate than we are for dinner and family fun. I remember when my children and I were at a point of just feeling alone and destitute, but the joy I felt when someone helped me is the kind of feeling I wanted to pass on to someone else especially during this time of the year. In addition to that I realize as an individual, I must be mindful of others and his or hers religious beliefs or religious practices. The society we exist in today is a mixture of different cultures and ethnicity and at any given moment, my next-door neighbor could be a Mexican or someone from India as well as a Christian. To be attentive of the beliefs of others is truly the most humane thing to do. I have respect for other people and whatever religion one might choose to par take in. I make an effort not to get into a dispute with people over religion or their religious beliefs because of the sensitivity of the subject. My contemplation is that I value other people’s religion enough not to bring it up. My belief system has molded me and transformed my mine to different way of thinking. My religious belief has advanced and developed over the years. Unique circumstances have caused me to become intelligent, sturdy and more thoughtful. My religious beliefs are continually increasing and to be truthful like me in this quest of improving my life and my education many obstacles come testing me. Sometimes I find myself with some deep-seated views surrounding certain individuals and circumstances. In remembering the past events in my life my belief system, my religious belief system has kept me committed to whom and what I have become.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Apple and Child Labor Essay

Children and teenagers everyday are put into child labor, to make money for their families or pay back what their families borrowed. In this paper I will examine child labor around the world and why children need to be able to live without being put under such stress and poor living circumstances. I will also be talking about how child labor is involved in some electronic companies like Samsung and Foxconn. Lastly, I will be talking about what most people don’t know; within the last couple years the world’s most known electronic company; Apple, Inc. has been one of the guiltiest culprits of child labor and of poisoning their employee’s. Child labor is known all over the world, and we need to put a stop to it now! Although child labor is illegal in many countries, many children under the age of twelve still are employed in these harsh work forces. Many under age employees are employed by using a fake identification (Thompson). By using a fake identification, children or teenagers can be mistaken for an adult. If the employer says or provides an identification that shows he is age eligible and they accept him for the job, no one would know any different. It is not in the hands of the hiring company to know that the employer is using a fake identification. Children and teenagers are not getting fake identifications and working in these factories for no reason. They are to pay back the money that their family has borrowed from others, or the lack of ability to get an education. Child labor could be caused by problems in the family, with health, or lack of food, money, or water. Multiple governments around the world look the other way. Child labor is illegal but some governments do not punish the companies or groups that use child labor. Child labor is very cruel to the children. Governments and rulers around the world insist that if adults of a family borrow money, the family has to pay it back no matter what, even if it means selling their crops for money or putting their children into the work force. Due to the fact that children and teenagers are working at such a young age, the children are committing suicide and other self-harms. This should not be happening; young adults committing suicide because they are so stressed or they do not want to work at these companies but also because they are being accused of stealing products. For example, one of Apple’s suppliers, Foxconn, accused one of their employees of stealing an iPhone prototype. The employee would not dare to steal an iPhone and would not have done such a thing to get himself in trouble. The possibilities of his pay being withheld and being physically punished was very high for the employee. As a result he killed himself; he did not want to be under the large amount of stress added to the amount that he already had (Usher). This occurs in a lot of work forces, where the employees get so stressed and out of control that they cannot bare to live anymore; it happens especially in electronic factories in Asia. Many people think of child labor being associated with clothing, furniture, or toys, but in reality it’s not. Child labor is known in every industry. One industry that we all use is the electronic industry. Child labor is used in the electronic industry in a big way, not as much as clothing or furniture, but close to it. The Apple IPAD tablet you are holding in your hand, the Apple T.V media portal you are watching shows off of each night, the Apple Iphone you just used to call or text your friend, are all made with the help of child labour. Apple’s major provider Foxconn, has been proven to have employees under the age of Twelve (Usher). Foxconn’s manufacturing plants in Asia have admitted to having child employees that have been poisoned, and some have committed suicide (Usher). This is a situation Apple has a difficult time controlling. The use of child labor in the electronic industry should not be happening at all. It should not be happening in any industry period. Child Labour has been used to try and sabotage the success of certain companies. Samsung was accused of having workers under the age of twelve working in their factories [Thompson]. Samsung has denied the fact that they have underage workers. The rumor was created by RIM (Blackberry) to sabotage Samsung and gain an advantage in the marketplace. Samsung does not have employees under the age of twelve working for them. The name Steve Jobs brings so many amazing thoughts into your head, how he was the co-founder of the largest high tech companies in the wold, the go to guy and CEO of Apple, a multi-billionaire, and philanthropist (In Your Face Radio). Steve Jobs was an amazing man, but in realty he was just like a lot of other top executives, which get carried away with their money and make some bad decisions (In Your Face Radio). Many people think that Jobs was the one who started exploiting children in the business. It was said that Steve Jobs that created the child labor issues in the business because he lost focus and innovation in what he was doing, lost control of his factories and caused such a dilemma in the industry that almost broke the company’s reputation. (Does Steve†¦). Apple’s factory, Foxconn, has been caught with having 164 children in total working in many different factories around the world. (Clarke and Williams). Foxconn has been caught poisoning their employees with n-hexane, and have also been caught for abusing their workers. Tim Costello led a study in Taiwan, and went into to Foxconn and created a report based on the workers lives in Foxconn. The study showed that the company was abusing their employees by â€Å"corporal violence† (Myslewski). Now this is in Foxconn’s factories where they make the parts for the Apple devices. Foxconn has fully admitted to all of the above. The major part of Apple’s manufacturing that is using child labor is Foxconn. As I said earlier Foxconn is the company with over 164 children working in its factory, they have been caught abusing and poisoning their employees. Foxconn is relied upon a lot by Apple. By being caught employing children to manufacture components, has caused an upset within Apple, and the ability to reply on Foxconn has come into question. Apple is an amazing company; however we need to know more about what goes on behind the closed doors within their manufacturing plants and their manufacturing partners facilities. In my opinion Apple is guilty in this situation of child labor. Personally I will continue to use Apple’s products because I believe Foxconn needs to organize their company and other factories that Apple is associated with or Apple needs to find another supplier. In order to fix the crisis of child labor I think that there should be a worldwide legal age to work and which each government must implement. This will decrease the young aged employees that work in countries like India, China, Japan, Pakistan, and many more. Due to there being no worldwide legal working age, problems like child labor occur. Child labor needs to stop, and companies like Apple can lead the way to change just like they have led the way in technology.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Tourism Operations Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Tourism Operations Management - Assignment Example Improvement in environmental planning and management in the destination including provision of environmental control measures and services such as monitoring and 'improving air and water quality, litter clearance, provision of waste recycling schemes, etc.'; Tourism is a key industry for UK with an annual turnover accounting for over 4% of GDP and with over 7% of the working population working in the sector. As per Department for Culture, Media and Sport (2004), UK is one amongst the top ten world tourism earners. More than 86% of England's tourism income comes from domestic visitors and the sectors that have contributed to the attractiveness of England for domestic tourists, and of Britain for overseas visitors include, transport, galleries, museums, theatres, heritage sites in public and private ownership, conference and exhibition venues, shops, pubs, clubs and restaurants. Positioning of UK as a important destinations rests on meeting and exceeding customers expectations. The priority areas identified by the Government are marketing and e-tourism, product quality, workforce skills, data and advocacy of the case for supporting the tourism industry. Buckingham Palace, the official London residence of Britain's sovereigns since 1837, is a prime tourist attraction. Although many of the official events and receptions are held by The Queen, areas of Buckingham Palace are open to visitors on a regular basis. ... Sustaining tourism enterprises; Prioritising markets that strengthen economic returns; Promoting the use of local products and integration with other sectors; Spreading tourism benefits and opportunities throughout the communities and Strengthening communication with visitors and local residents. The report cites the case of Buckingham Palace, efforts in place and those desired to improve the quality of tourism. Tourism in UK Tourism is a key industry for UK with an annual turnover accounting for over 4% of GDP and with over 7% of the working population working in the sector. As per Department for Culture, Media and Sport (2004), UK is one amongst the top ten world tourism earners. More than 86% of England's tourism income comes from domestic visitors and the sectors that have contributed to the attractiveness of England for domestic tourists, and of Britain for overseas visitors include, transport, galleries, museums, theatres, heritage sites in public and private ownership, conference and exhibition venues, shops, pubs, clubs and restaurants. Positioning of UK as a important destinations rests on meeting and exceeding customers expectations. The priority areas identified by the Government are marketing and e-tourism, product quality, workforce skills, data and advocacy of the case for supporting the tourism industry. Buckingham Palace Buckingham Palace, the official London residence of Britain's sovereigns since 1837, is a prime tourist attraction. Although many of the official events and receptions are held by The Queen, areas of Buckingham Palace are open to visitors on a regular basis. These include the State Rooms, open during the Annual Summer Opening in August and September, which during the 58 days of operation from 31 July to 26

See Asignment criteria- request for writer 5689 of possible Essay

See Asignment criteria- request for writer 5689 of possible - Essay Example sidered the height of the romantic manifestation with regard to the [Spanish] stage,’ explicitly references its central theme of Destiny in the title – ‘la fuerza del sino’ as it applies to the struggle and ultimate defeat of the protagonist (Young 1933, 278). Within the typical Sturm und Drang Romantic expression, Rivas utilises a conception of ‘fate’ to explore and undermine the obsolescing social hierarchy that dominated contemporary Spanish life. Yet the question remains unclear: what exactly is the nature, the driving force of this conceived destiny? Does this demonstrate the movement of divine providence, or is this more akin to the fatalistic destiny of the Greeks? As the story progresses, the thread of fate that propels the action reveals itself to be profoundly fatalistic, not the orchestration of an omnipotent God but the engine of the myriad unseen forces that surround and enshround Don à lvaro in his journey through despair. This fatalism draws its roots most profoundly from the tradition of Greek tragedy in which destiny always played a primary role. Yet Rivas develops advances on this fatalistic tradition, showing through the random twists delivered by destiny’s hand the massively destructive forces of the familial Spanish hierarchy, which from the beginning envelop the protagonist in the shackles of old custom. It is these, Rivas declares audaciously through his play, that make up the very essence of dest iny. It is these, the forces of society, which create the fatalistic reality in which all his characters, and by extension the whole of Spanish populiation, are doomed to their allotted existence. The fatalistic concept fundamental to Greek tragedy is the act of transgression, the fatal flaw caused by hubris, or believing oneself to be above divine law, which transgression in the protagonist’s own demise. This act of transgression could be something as active as Prometheus’ theft of divine fire, for which he was savagely

Monday, August 12, 2019

Life review paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Life review paper - Essay Example This made him be highly esteemed by the public and his relations due to his advanced age. He is loved by the members of his family and receives plenty of attention from them. During his childhood, he gained the first experience of death; his father passed on when he was still young. This resulted in his mother being the lone breadwinner, who struggled to fend for him along with his kin. Despite this, he still regards his childhood as a happy one. The interviewee was in a lasting marriage of 56 years and has been living as a widower, since his wife’s demise 17 years ago. Then interviewee owned a farm and cultivated corn. This became his sole career throughout his life. He, however, is not conversant with what hobby he participates in, but is an avid saver and always comes up with methods of saving cash. He practices the catholic religion and is a believer of the Christian doctrines, he accepts as true that God and heaven exist. This is palpable in the actuality that he has faith that he will join up with his spouse in heaven (Birkeland et al. 2009). As the article highlights, the elderly people are faced with several constraints, mostly physical, as they find themselves unable to cope with other activities. However, although such physical constraints put limits on the elderly level of activity, it highlights that they managed to perform other activities, which were not physically demanding for their strength. It shows from the study conducted that the elderly people who suffered from chronic diseases and injuries managed to adapt to the situation by accepting their status and conditions. In the conversation with the researcher, the interviewee also admitted having accepted his situation as an elderly and further ascertained of his illness. He believes that aging is part of being human and explains that, although it is sad to be incapacitated, to do things that one loved doing, and depend on others to do them, it is part of life  and his destiny